Perth submission workshops
Perth Frack Free workshops for the WA Fracking Inquiry, co-hosted by Frack Free Future and Lock the Gate, unless otherwise mentioned.
Wanneroo 19th Feb night
Wanneroo Library meeting room, 3 Rocca Way, Wanneroo WA 6065
Workshop : 6pm till 8pm
Osborne Park 21st Feb (TWS/Transition Town Stirling)
Osborne Park - 21st Feb (Fractured State screening, discussion and workshop)
Osborne Park Hotel, 216 Main Street
Event starts 6.30pm
Wanneroo 23rd Feb day
Wanneroo Library meeting room, 3 Rocca Way, Wanneroo WA 6065
Workshop : 10am till 12pm\
Cannington 1st March night
Mills Park Community Centre, Lesser hall , 86 Brixton St, Beckenham WA 6107
Workshop:6pm till 8pm
Cannington 2nd March day
Mills Park Community Centre, Lesser hall , 86 Brixton St, Beckenham WA 6107
Workshop: 10am till 12pm
West Perth, Lotteries House 7th March (TWS)
The Wilderness Society office. Details TBC.
Fracking Q&A at UWA - Wednesday 15 March
UWA, Crawley
Previous events:
Read moreWA Fracking Inquiry Public Meetings
The WA Fracking Inquiry Panel will be visiting a select number of communities across WA for "Public Meetings' in late February/early March. In August 2018, the Inquiry will deliver a report to the WA Government. The McGowan Government will then form a decision on whether to ban fracking everywhere, or allow it to go ahead in certain areas.
This is our chance to show the Inquiry Panel and the McGowan Government we want Western Australia permanently protected.
Read moreEneabba-Warradarge Community Meeting
While the new state government has imposed a temporary ban on 'hydraulic fracture stimulation' in our region (Mid West, Turquoise Coast and Midlands) while they run an inquiry, it hasn’t banned exploration for tight and shale gas, or other forms of gas extraction.
Join us on Thursday evening January 11 at the Eneabba Recreational and Sporting Centre, Eneabba Drive, Eneabba.
In response to some local community member requests, we have organised a community meeting to update you on the latest, and discuss what we can do to protect the area long term, like other communities have achieved across Australia (including now a full ban on unconventional gas exploration and production in the whole state of Victoria). We'll also give a quick update on the WA Fracking Inquiry that's open for submissions till 19 March.
Come along and see how you can protect our land, water and health. It will be a relaxed evening where updates will be provided, and there will be refreshments (supper) organised by local volunteers.Eneabba-Warradarge Community Meeting
Thursday 11 January
Eneabba Drive, Eneabba
Community Town Hall Meeting - Woodridge
Event: Wednesday 29 November
A Public meeting at the Woodridge Community Hall regarding the gas exploration licences over the area, and the risk of fracking gasfields.
Simone van Hattem, regional co-ordinator for Lock the Gate Alliance will be speaking, and a short film will be shown.
Wed 29th November - 7.00pm, Woodbridge Community Hall/Centre, King Drive, Woodridge.
Facebook event:
Community Town Hall Meeting - Dardanup
Event: Tuesday 21 November
This is a public meeting concerning the new gas exploration lease recently obtained by Bunbury Energy (formally Unconventional Resources pty ltd).
This lease covers parts of the shires of Dardanup, Capel and Donnybook-Balingup and parts of the cities of Bunbury and Busselton.
We know that the gas in the South West is likely tight gas, we know that unconventional tecniques may need to be used to extract it. The fracking ban is not legislated and is restricted to hydraulic fracturing only.
We do not want industrialisation of our beautiful South West and prime agricultural land.
All communities covered by this lease and exisiting leases are invited to a public meeting to find out more about what this means and what we can do about it.
6pm, Dardanup Sporting and Community Centre, Ferguson Road, Dardanup, Tuesday November 21
Facebook event:
Peaceful protest against SW gas leases - Bunbury
Event: Sunday 5 November 2017
A gas exploration lease has just been approved over Bunbury, Stratham, Boyanup, Dardanup, Capel, Peppermint Beach and Donnybrook.
Let the state government know that we don't want gasfields in South West WA.
Meet at Bunbury Regional Entertainment Center carpark at 2pm. We will walk about 500m to another location.
Wear yellow & black or a costume. Bring signs. Musicians wanted- to play and lead singing.
Download PDF of A5 flyer to print or email. Print double-sided in colour or b&w, then cut in half to make two flyers.
Read more
Frack Free People's Rally
We have been disappointed by the WA Labor government since they came to power.
It’s time to turn that disappointment into action. We need to show them that protecting land, water and people from unsafe fracking gasfields is a BIG priority.
RSVP here to join people from across WA on Saturday August 26 outside Crown Theatre, Burswood.
Stand with us as conference delegates and media go inside to debate the WA Labor fracking policy. The more people that attend, the stronger our message to Labor will be.
Join the Facebook event and invite your friends.
WA Water4Life National Highway Actions
Saturday 8 July 2017 on a highway or main road near you.
By popular demand - Australia's Biggest Highway Action is back! Organise a local event, bring placades, family and friends, stand by the highway and wave your signs for a Frack free WA, a Gasfield Free WA and a Gasfield Free Australia.
Join one of the 30 locations listed below & or let us know what other location you are planning so we can help publicise it, email [email protected]
See our media release: Highway protests call for water protection from fracking threat
Read moreCapel Gasfield Free Film and Information Night
The Capel and surrounds community is invited to a free community event; screening of A Fractured State, the new locally made documentary on fracking and the unconventional gas industry in WA. After the film, there will be a light supper and discussion about the potential impact of the unconventional gas industry to our land, health and water.
Find out what is planned locally to combat this threat.
When: 24 June 2017- 7 to 9pm
Where: Capel RSL Hall
Brought to you by the Capel GasField Free Action Group in association with Capel CWA.