A Fractured State - Leederville screening
A FRACTURED STATE tells the story of the high-stakes battle to protect land, water and health in Western Australia from the unconventional gas industry and fracking. The film was made in 2016 to help raise awareness of fracking and unconventional gas in WA and the Lock the Gate campaign.
You will be able to talk with the film-maker Jane Hammond after the film.
Wed, June 14, 2017 - 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM
Foyer Oxford, 1st Floor, 196 Oxford Street, Leederville
Hosted by Transition Town Vincent.
Upcoming Events - February/March 2017
Find out more about the risks of unconventional gasfields and fracking in your region, and let your local candidates know you’ll be voting Gasfield Free this election by coming along to one of these great events!
Sun 26 Feb - 10.30am - Quedjinup Gasfield Free Declaration - Old Dunsborough Boat ramp, Dunsborough - bring your surfboard.
Sun 26 Feb - 4pm - Human Sign Photo Shoot for a Gasfield Free South West - Boyanup Oval, Charlotte St, Boyanup
Mon 27 Feb - Swan Valley Film night with West Swan election candidates - West Swan Hall, Lot 1 West Swan Road, Henley Brook - 7pm
Tues 28 Feb - 7pm - Gidgegannup Public Meeting - Gidgegannup Rec Centre, Percy Cullen Oval, Gidgegannup.
Wednes 1 Mar - 7pm- Bullsbrook Film night with Swan Hills election candidates - Pickett Park Hall, Bullsbrook
Thurs 2 Mar - 5.30pm - Bunbury Film Night with election candidates - Bunbury Regional Entertainment Centre (Harvey Room), Blair St, Bunbury
Thurs 2 Mar - 6pm - Moora Film Night with election candidate forum - Moora Performing Arts Centre, Moora
Mon 6 Mar - 6pm - The Vines Central Gasfield Free Declaration - Chardonnay Park, The Vines - bring a picnic
Past events:
Sat 18 Feb - Mid West to Perth Ute Muster - Mid West Farmers meeting at Bullsbrook 10am, then continuing into city to demand our State election candidates protect our water, air, land and communities!
Wednes 22 Feb - Film Night with Collie-Preston election candidates - 5.30 for 6pm – Capel Golf Club, Bussell Highway, Stratham
Wednes 22 Feb - Mundaring Pre-Election forum with candidates - 7pm, Mundaring Civic Centre (Mundaring in Transition, several issues to be discussed)
Chittering Gasfield Free Declaration
The community of Chittering will declare itself Gasfield Free at a celebration event on Sunday December 4th in Grasstree Ridge Park, beginning at 4pm.
Read more26+27 Nov: Frack Off! Concerts with John Butler Trio
TWO Concerts in support of No Gasfields in the South West and a Frack Free Western Australia.
Sat Nov 26th: SOLD OUT
Sun NOV 27th: some tickets left via Oztix.
Featuring JBT, The Pigram Brothers, Mama Kin, Ten Cent Shooters and MC Peter Rowsthorn.
at 3 Oceans Winery, Margaret River
Cnr Boundary Road and Bussell Highway, Metricup WA
Licensed venue. 18+ photo ID required for entry. Children Under 18 years must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
15-19 Nov: Swan/Hills Public Meetings
Public meetings for local residents will be held around the Swan Valley in the week starting 14 November, to discuss the implications of a gas exploration licence over a large part of the Swan Valley. All community members are welcome to attend these free events, which will include a short film, discussion of the local issue, and Q&A.
Events are organised by local action groups: Gate Vines, Midland Gatekeepers, Gasfield Free Perth Hills, and Frack Free Guildford-Caversham.
ELLENBROOK/THE VINES MEETING: Tuesday 15 November, 7pm, Ellenbrook District Open space, Maffina Parade, Ellenbrook
MIDLAND MEETING: Wednesday 16 November, 6.45pm, Ace Cinemas, Midland Gate, 274 Gt Eastern Hwy, Midland
PERTH HILLS/MAHOGANY CREEK MEETING: Thursday 17 November, 7pm, Mahogany Creek Hall, 325 Jacoby St, Mahogany Creek
GUILDFORD/CAVERSHAM MEETING: Friday 18 November, 7pm, Guildford Town Hall, 188 James St, Guildford
Read more17 Nov: Mt Lawley Public Meeting
Join your neighbours for a public meeting about the unconventional gasfields threat facing WA, as close as the Swan Valley, Wanneroo and Rockingham.
17 November, 7pm start, Mount Lawley Bowling Club, Rookwood Street, Mount Lawley.
Free event, Pizza by donation
Hosted by the Frack Free Future Alliance.
12 Nov: Vasse Environment Forums
The details of the Environment Minister's series of public meetings in the south west to discuss unconventional gas exploration & mining and other environmental matters, have been announced:
Saturday November 12. Busselton 9am, Dunsborough 11.30am and Gracetown 2.30pm.
RSVP: By 10 November, to [email protected] or phone 9752 1949
Read more
11 Nov: Community Film Screening Wanneroo: Frackman
Hosted by the Frack Free Future Alliance. 6.30pm, Wanneroo Community Centre, Civic Dr, Wanneroo.
"Dayne Pratzky loved the quiet life on his rural block in central Queensland. Then the gas company arrived, and everything changed.
Legally Dayne couldn’t stop them mining his land, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t fight. So began a David and Goliath battle. Along the way he found love, tragedy and triumph.
This is a must see movie for anyone concerned about protecting our water, farm land and communities from the invasive unconventional gas industry".
As the unconventional gas industry gears up to invade Western Australia, this shocking movie serves as a wake up call to us all.
Our drinking water sources are already at risk from fracking, and gas exploration licenses exist in Wanneroo shire and the Swan Valley.
6 Nov: Brunswick Junction Gasfield Free Declaration
BRUNSWICK Junction is about to become the latest community in WA to declare itself Gasfield Free. The declaration will be a huge community celebration on November 6, 11.30am Channel Park, Brunswick Junction.
Come along and join in this massive community event to celebrate democracy in action and a Gasfield Free future for the south west and the entire state.
There are now more than 400 Gasfield Free communities across Australia and the movement is growing!
Read more2 Nov: North Boyanup Film and Info Night
HELP Protect the places we love. If you are in the south west then please come to an information meeting & film night Wednesday November 2 in North Boyanup.
Organised by Gasfield Free North Boyanup.