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Communities have come together for over ten years to push for a ban on fracking across WA and have had great wins along the way!

But now a Texan billionaire wants to frack in the Kimberley near the Martuwarra Fitzroy River, and fracking is NOT banned in much of the Kimberley.

With a state election in March 2025, the campaign for a ban on fracking in the Kimberley is in full swing.

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First frack plan for Kimberley hits Plibersek’s desk, threatens water, bilbies

July 30, 2024

The first fracking proposal for Western Australia since the state lifted its moratorium has been referred to the Federal Government, prompting outrage from community groups who fear the project will be a Trojan Horse for the full blown industrialization of the Kimberley. American company...

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Kimberley Under Threat

The Kimberley region has some of the largest, intact, natural landscapes left in the world. It has globally significant wetlands, free-flowing river systems and pristine oceans, and provides refuge for threatened wildlife that have disappeared from most of Australia.  The Kimberley is also a culturally rich region, home to a living Aboriginal culture that is tens of thousands of years old. But all this is at risk. This iconic region in North West WA has been identified as having some of the largest untapped shale gas and tight sands gas reserves in the world, and companies are gearing up to frack for gas. Read more...

Fracking Gasfield Risks

In Western Australia the majority of unconventional gas is found in shale beds and tight sandstone rock strata, unlike Eastern Australia where most unconventional gas deposits are found in coal seams. Shale and tight gasfields involve the industrialisation of entire landscapes with numerous closely spaced wells. Read more...

Sign the Petition to Ban Fracking

Western Australia’s iconic Kimberley region is under threat from fracking!

A Texan billionaire wants to start fracking right near the Fitzroy River.

Communities, culture and natural wonders are all at risk from oil and gas fracking developments.

Premier Cook - the Kimberley is too precious to open up to fracking oil & gasfields. Fracking puts the Kimberley’s environmental diversity and cultures at risk.

Don’t leave people in a sacrifice zone. If fracking is too risky for the people of the South West, Perth and Peel regions where it’s banned, it’s too risky for the Kimberley and the rest of WA too.

We call on you to ban fracking in the Kimberley.

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