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6 Nov: Join Knitting Nannas Against Fracking at Fremantle Parade

knags-.jpgCome join the Knitting Nannas Against Gas and No Fracking Way to show your support for a Frack Free Future in all of WA. 

Start gathering from 3pm for a 4pm parade start. Meet at the Round House end of High Street. Look for the Knitting Nannas in yellow and black.

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25+26 Oct: Moora and Watheroo Public Meetings

Gasfield Free Central Midlands are hosting two Public Meetings in Moora and Watheroo, to discuss the implications of a gas exploration licence over a large part of the Central Midlands area. All community members are welcome to attend these free events, which will include a short film, discussion of the local issue, and Q&A.

MOORA COMMUNITY MEETING: Tuesday 25 October, 7pm, Moora Baptist Church

Watheroo MEETING: Wednesday 26 October, 7pm, Watheroo Station Tavern.

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29+30 Sept: Swan and Chittering Valley Public Meetings

Public meetings will be held at Aveley and Muchea this week, to discuss plans for industrial gasfields in the Swan Valley and Northern Valleys.  All community members are welcome to attend.

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Water-small3.jpgOn the driest inhabited continent on earth, where people and landscapes depend on vulnerable water resources, Australia needs laws that protect our water from coal and unconventional gas mining.

In the lead-up to the Federal election, will you join us in putting water on the national agenda? Will you be part of our #Water4Life16 campaign?




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John Fenton Tour Page

Special Event: Come and hear John Fenton, a cattle rancher from the USA, tell his story of how fracking for gas polluted water and ruined lives in his home town of Pavillion, Wyoming.

Public meetings will be held in Qld, Northern Territory and Western Australia. You can RSVP for events below.

'Fracking is not just about the environment or water, it’s human rights. When you take a rural or a remote area and you industrialise it for fracking, it impacts every portion of your life. People pay the ultimate price.’   John Fenton, rancher from Wyoming USA, 2014.


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