Snap Actions across WA
Yesterday The Sunday Times reported that the WA Government was about to give fracking the greenlight across much of WA.
We hope that these reports are wrong but if they are accurate then we need to remind the WA Government that fracking is not needed or wanted in WA.
Monday 26 November.
We are calling a Snap Action at Parliament House Perth THIS evening. Please come if you can. Numbers matter in this community stand to protect our land, our water, our health and our climate stability. Community action groups have also called actions in Broome, Exmouth and Bullsbrook at 5pm today, and Geraldton at 12.30pm today.
5pm – 6pm
Parliament House, Harvest Tce, West Perth
Meet on city side at steps.
Facebook event:
Outside Darren West's office, 84 Marine Tce, Geraldton
Photo with sign for a ban on fracking to send to McGowan, and a thank you to Darren for supporting a ban.
Facebook event:
Entrance Point, Broome
Photo opp to send message to McGowan.
Facebook event:
Ethel Warren Centre, Bullsbrook
Photo opp to send message to McGowan.
Facebook event:
Federation Park, Exmouth
Photo opp to send message to McGowan.
Facebook event:
Christmas Card Challenge
Will you Join the Frack Free WA “Send Mark a Christmas Card Challenge"?
Help send WA Premier Mark McGowan some Christmas cheer and a clear No Fracking message.
The aim is to deck the Parliamentary Halls with No Fracking Christmas cards a plenty, from across the state, so take the challenge to tag two friends.
Send Mark McGowan a Christmas card with a polite and cheery message signed by you and your friends and family.
Here is an example:
Dear Mark,
Happy Christmas!
Please make my Christmas Wish come true and ban fracking in WA.
Best Wishes,
(Your name, town/suburb)
Happy Christmas Mr McGowan!
Please give WA a wonderful Christmas gift by banning fracking permanently across our beautiful state.
Wishing you a Happy Christmas and a very positive New Year,
Best wishes, (insert you name and town/suburb)
1. Select a card and write a message similar to above, and include where you are from and perhaps your occupation.
2. Take a picture of yourself with your card
3. Post it to social media and tag two friends to join you in the “Send Mark A Christmas Card Challenge”. Add the hashtags #ChristmasWish and #WAFrackingBan. Make it public so we can see it, or post it to our Frack Free WA fb page, twitter or instagram.
4. Pop your card in an envelope address it to:
The Hon Mark McGowan MP
PO Box 5324
Rockingham Beach WA 6969
Write name and your location on the back (and in the card), so it's clear you're a real person.
Please also consider signing our online petition if you haven’t already:
Ban Fracking in WA Rally
Join us on the steps of Parliament House, Perth on Thursday 11 October at 12 noon to hand over a formal petition calling for a permanent ban on fracking in WA.
We are calling on the State Government to heed the call of farmers, Traditional Owners, communities across WA, climate scientists and thousands of other Western Australian residents to legislate a permanent ban on fracking in our state.
Please save the date and make time for this important lunch time rally.
This rally is being organised by Frack Free WA & Lock the Gate with support from many regional and metro action groups and other organisations.
July Events
Bindoon Town Hall Meeting
Thursday 12 July, 7pm
Bindoon Town Hall, Gt Northern Hwy, Bindoon
Come and find out about new gas exploration planned north and south of Bindoon and find out about fracking and what you can do. Chittering is in the sights of mining companies who plan to conduct unconventional gas mining in our region which would require fracking.
Facebook event:
Group Photo outside Federal Labor Climate Change Forum
Thursday 12 July, 6-6.30pm
Memorial Hall, cnr Carrington and Rockingham Rds, Hamilton Hill
Show your support for a ban on fracking state wide by joining us outside this Federal Labor event near Fremantle for a photo shoot at 6pm. Shadow Minister for Climate Change Mark Butler is coming to Freo for a Climate Change Forum (starting 6.30) in Hamilton Hill, but Federal Labor has said nothing about the climate impacts of fracking WA and is actually encouraging fracking in the NT and WA. If we frack our state then we can kiss goodbye to Australia's ability to meet our emissions targets under the Paris Agreement.
Facebook event:
Victoria Park Film & Info Night
Wednesday 18 July, 7pm
Town of Victoria Park Council Admin Building, 99 Shepparton Road, Victoria Park
Here in WA the fracking industry is poised, awaiting the green light from the Labor government under pressure from the gas industry and federal government.
Help protect our drinking water and unique landscapes by attending the screening of “Fractured State” followed by discussion and update about fracking in WA.
Facebook event:
Muchea Gas Fracking Meeting
Friday 20 July, 7pm
Muchea Community Hall, 48 Archibald St, Muchea
There is currently new gas exploration planned for within 3km of Muchea.
We need Muchea people to take some basic steps to stop fracking in the area, so come along to this meeting as the first step, and find out what's happening, and what can be done.
Facebook event:
Pipe Dreams - Fractured Lives screenings with Q&A with the farmer-filmmaker.
Grab your tickets now (before 13 July) to ensure these screenings go ahead!
Tuesday 24th of July at 6:30pm at Luna on SX Fremantle:
Wednesday 25th of July at 6:30pm at Ace Cinemas Midland:
Thursday 26th of July at 6:00pm at Orana Cinemas Geraldton:
What if your government is risking the health of your family for quick cash?
Join an Aussie farmer, tired of political spin, as he takes on a fact-finding mission into the effects of Fracking. His inspiring journey takes him from the southern point of country South Australia to Northern Australia and across the world to the USA. Hear the stories of everyday people speaking out to give you an insight into this industry as well as the science from world experts.
We all want fresh air, clean water and food that is safe for our family. See why this has the potential to impact us all.
Pipe Dreams, Fractured Lives WA tour
Lock The Gate presents these Q&A screenings of Pipe Dreams - Fractured Lives in Western Australia.
Tuesday 24th of July at 6:30pm at Luna on SX Fremantle:
Wednesday 25th of July at 6:30pm at Ace Cinemas Midland:
Thursday 26th of July at 6:00pm at Orana Cinemas Geraldton:
The film will be introduced by farmer and filmmaker David Smith who will also take questions after the film.
What if your government is risking the health of your family for quick cash?
Join an Aussie farmer, tired of political spin, as he takes on a fact-finding mission into the effects of Fracking. His inspiring journey takes him from the southern point of country South Australia to Northern Australia and across the world to the USA. Hear the stories of everyday people speaking out to give you an insight into this industry as well as the science from world experts.
We all want fresh air, clean water and food that is safe for our family. See why this has the potential to impact us all.
Darling Range Forum
WHEN: Friday 15 June, 6.30-8pm.
WHERE: Roleystone Hall, 44 Jarrah Rd, Roleystone
WHAT: The electors of Darling Range will go to the polls June 23. Come and hear what the candidates think of fracking. Which ones will support a permanent ban on fracking WA and which would rather put our land, water and health at risk to support this dirty industry? Join us for a screening of the WA documentary "A Fractured State" and then quiz the candidates on the policies that matter to you. This is a free community event but registering will help us with the catering. Come along and pick up a free "Lock the Gate" or "No Fracking" triangle for your gate.
RSVP: Eventbrite.
Invite others: Share this page, or invite friends on facebook.
Frack Free WA Events in May 2018
Eneabba & surrounds 'Next steps' meeting and supper
WHAT: Meeting with an update on the state-wide campaign and lessons from the NT, hear from the local action groups in the area, and discuss ideas for ‘next steps’ to build the movement for a permanent state-wide ban. Coffee/tea, and a shared supper will be provided.
WHERE: Eneabba Recreational & Sporting Club, Eneabba Drive, Eneabba
WHEN: 7-9pm, Monday 28 May
RSVP: [email protected] or text or call 0421 389 013
Stay tuned for further events if you’re outside these areas!
PAST May events
Perth and Bunbury: Screenings of the Bentley Effect
Perth: 6pm Wednesday 9 May at Grand Cinemas Cygnet, Como.
Bunbury: 6pm Thursday 10 May at Event Cinemas, Bunbury.
The screenings will be followed by a Q&A with director Brendan Shoebridge and an update on the WA campaign and ‘next steps’.
"This timely story of a community's heroic stand shows how peaceful protest from a committed community can overcome industrial might and political short-sightedness."
Swan Valley and surrounds ‘Next steps’ meeting
WHAT: Meeting with an update on the state-wide campaign and lessons from the NT, hear from the local action groups in the area, and discuss ideas for ‘next steps’ to build the movement for a permanent state-wide ban. Caffeine and sweet & savoury treats provided.
WHERE: Aveley Community Centre, 22 Bolero Road, Aveley (part of Ellenbrook, close to West Swan Road)
WHEN: 6 - 8pm Monday 14 May
RSVP: [email protected] or text or call 0421 389 013
Victoria Park/South East Metro ‘Next steps’ meeting
WHAT: Meeting with an update on the state-wide campaign and lessons from the NT, get involved with the new action group in the area, and discuss ideas for ‘next steps’ to build the movement for a permanent state-wide ban. Caffeine and sweet & savoury treats provided.
WHERE: Victoria Park Centre for the Arts, 12 Kent St, East Victoria Park
WHEN: 6.30pm - 8pm Wednesday 16 May
RSVP: [email protected] or text or call 0421 389 013
Lower Mid West/Midlands ‘Next steps’ meeting & lunch
WHAT: Meeting with an update on the state-wide campaign and lessons from the NT, hear from the local action groups in the area, and discuss ideas for ‘next steps’ to build the movement for a permanent state-wide ban. Coffee/tea, and a shared lunch will be provided.
WHERE: Dandaragan Community Recreation Centre, 3550 Dandaragan Rd, Dandaragan, Dandaragan
WHEN: 10am-1pm, Thursday 17 May
RSVP: [email protected] or text or call 0421 389 013
Midland "Fracking" Information Session and film presentation.
“Fracking” From the slang term for Fracturing, involves pumping large amounts of water, usually with sand and lubricant chemicals added to it, deep into the ground under high pressure in order to break open rocks. (Collins Dictionary Meaning).
Janette Huston from the Knitting Nanna’s will explain what ‘Fracking’ is about, followed by a 45 minute documentary, 'Fractured Country: an Unconventional Invasion', a film from Lock the Gate Alliance (Australia) about the risks to communities from invasive gasfields. There will be a Q&A session at the conclusion.
Places are limited, so bookings are essential here.
WHERE: Midland Public Library, 45 Helena Street, Midland 6056 View Map
WHEN: Monday, 21 May 2018 | 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Fracking Q & A at UWA
Thursday 15 March 2018 - 7pm to 8.30pm - Fox Lecture Theatre, University of WA, 35 Stirling Hwy, Crawley (Carpark 3, off Hackett Drive, behind UWA Club near Reid Library).
Hydraulic Fracking is controversial with good reason!
Join us for a night of questions and answers with some well considered and respected thinkers.
This Q&A with a science focus will include Professor Tony Ingraffea from Cornell University, New York, Professors Carmen Lawrence and Bruce Armstrong (UWA and USYD) and industry expert Mr Ian Porter from Sustainable Energy Now.
This event is hosted by Frack Free Future with the Conservation Council of Western Australia, and support from Lock the Gate Alliance.
We'll have a table at the event with last minute submission writing help.
RSVP for the event here on Eventbrite. Limited spots available.
Short Film Fest + submission help
Wednesday 14 March - 6pm - 8pm - Perth City Farm, 1 City Farm Place, East Perth (paid CPP parking next to venue, or there is Claisebrook Station right next door, and McIver Station very close. Also a CAT bus stops right outside).
We are holding a 'Frack Free Short Film Fest’ with last minute help for starting or finishing submissions to the WA Fracking Inquiry.
We’ll have some party food and other refreshments but please feel free to bring a plate to share too.
Meet like-minded people, celebrate how far we have already come to protect WA from fracking gasfields, find out what else you can do, and enjoy live music.
With all submissions due in March 19, this is your best opportunity to let the inquiry know exactly how you feel about this industry and its impact on everything we take for granted. We'll have a table with resources and templates to make or help finish your submission.
There will also be a table with some renewable energy colouring in for kids and some other games, so feel free to bring the whole family.
Cant get there? Then please send a quick email to the inquiry:
Make a more powerful submission direct to the inquiry panel, see here:
Note: you can make more than one submission, a submission has no set format or length, so it can be as simple as just some comments about your feelings and what you want the government to do about it.
Submission Writing Sessions
The WA Government's Fracking Inquiry has begun.
Now is a critical time for protecting Western Australia from fracking gasfields.
Don't let the unconventional gas industry dominate the WA submissions.
For the sake of Western Australia's land, water, air, communities and other vibrant industries like agriculture, tourism and renewable energy, don't miss this chance to have your say in a written submission.
Come along to a Submission Writing session or other event and learn how.
Perth Final Submission Writing Party - Tuesday 14 March - 6-8pm
Perth City Farm, 1 City Farm Place, East Perth (Next to Claisebrook Train Station).
Other Perth Metro workshops co-hosted with Frack Free Future listed here.
For more information/details, call Simone on 0421 389 013, or email [email protected]
Previous events:
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