Media Releases
NEWS: Midwest communities cautiously celebrate decision to abort fracking well
July 24, 2015
Frack Free Mid West Gascoyne Alliance has welcomed a decision by oil and gas company AWE to abandon plans to frack its Drover 1 well south-east of Green Head. Frack Free Mid West Gascoyne Coordinator Jo Franklin said the decision, announced to the stock...
Read MoreFears for fracking in WA's South West
July 22, 2015
Fears for fracking in WA's South West as exploration permit moves step closer From ABC NEWS A preferred applicant has been chosen for a shale gas and oil exploration permit which an environmental group fears could pave the way for fracking in Western Australia's...
Read MoreNEWS: WA town of Irwin declares itself gas field-free
June 20, 2015
ABC News story: As concerns towards unconventional gas in Western Australia continue to grow, the town of Irwin has become the fifth community in the Mid West to declare itself gas field-free. The declaration is a sign of solidarity within the community against the...
Read MoreNEWS: Midwest community of Irwin declares itself Gasfield Free
June 17, 2015
The settlement of Irwin, 380km north of Perth, has become the latest community in the Mid West to declare itself Gasfield Free. The declaration was celebrated with a community picnic in Irwin on Sunday, June 14. Check out the photos and video from the...
Read MoreNEWS: Rally highlights anti-protest law fears at WA Parliament
April 30, 2015
A disparate group ranging from church leaders to farmers have taken their concerns about proposed anti-protest laws to the steps of WA's Parliament. A group of about 100 people gathered on the steps to hear speaker after speaker condemn the State Government's proposed laws...
Read MoreNEWS: Carnamah declares itself "gas-field free"
April 21, 2015
RESIDENTS from a second Mid West shire have declared their desire to be "gas-field free" in the face of renewed oil and gas exploration in the region.
Read MoreNEWS: Conflict of interest for Govt Dept over fracking
April 13, 2015
Claims a WA government dept in bed with resources companies
Read MoreNEWS: Resident complaints halt drilling in Irwin
April 10, 2015
A gas operation ten kilometres east of Dongara has been shut down after complaints from residents about non-stop noise,vibration and odours.
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