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Media Releases

Fears for fracking in WA's South West

July 22, 2015

Fears for fracking in WA's South West as exploration permit moves step closer From ABC NEWS A preferred applicant has been chosen for a shale gas and oil exploration permit which an environmental group fears could pave the way for fracking in Western Australia's...

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NEWS: WA town of Irwin declares itself gas field-free

June 20, 2015

ABC News story: As concerns towards unconventional gas in Western Australia continue to grow, the town of Irwin has become the fifth community in the Mid West to declare itself gas field-free. The declaration is a sign of solidarity within the community against the...

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NEWS: Rally highlights anti-protest law fears at WA Parliament

April 30, 2015

A disparate group ranging from church leaders to farmers have taken their concerns about proposed anti-protest laws to the steps of WA's Parliament. A group of about 100 people gathered on the steps to hear speaker after speaker condemn the State Government's proposed laws...

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