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The Plan for Geraldton

Your voice is needed!

Greater Geraldton is under threat of fracking.

Will you be part of the plan to protect our critical water supply, precious farmland and significant natural and cultural heritage sites?

Here are ways you can be involved...

1. Take Action Today and sign our petition.

We're asking state Members of Parliament to ban fracking within Greater Geraldton and in the surrounding areas we rely on for our water supply.

Take Action Now

2. Order a free Frack Free Pack - and put up the signs and stickers included.

By sticking a sticker on your car, putting up a sign on your fence and sharing some flyers in your local area you will help build the groundswell that can’t be ignored!

Order your Frack Free pack

3. Contact your local MP and discuss your concerns.

Our MPs want to hear from their constituents, they have told us that. That means you! You can email, call or request a meeting. You can also contact candidates in your area.

Here is an easy guide

4. Collect Petition Signatures

Print and ask your friends, family and neighbours to sign. To return scan or take a pic of the petition sheet and email to [email protected]. Keep the originals for now, and we'll contact you about coming to a handover, or posting them to us.

Download the printable petition


It is essential protect our water, farmland and cultural heritage from fracking, once and for all. We need you to ensure our elected representatives work to protect Geraldton and the Mid West.

With your help we can stop fracking from threatening our precious places.