Pages tagged "farming"
Farming Not Fracking
Unconventional gasfields have been threatening the Mid West and Wheatbelt regions of Western Australia for more than a decade, but community pressure has held it at bay. Lock the Gate Alliance, and various other community groups, are working alongside local landholders and communities to keep WA frack free.
Agriculture has and will continue to be a productive industry for Western Australia and the nation. On the global stage Australia is well known for its clean, green image when it comes to our fresh produce. We have extensive market garden areas on the fringes of Perth that are continually spreading deeper into the regions, while in the Wheatbelt and Mid West, we have groundwater dependent, rich agricultural zones. Without them, people in the city would lack access to fresh, WA grown produce. It is this that could be lost, should industrial fracking gasfields be allowed to expand across the region.
Read the Farming Not Fracking report to find out more (PDF)
Oil and Gas leases where the WA Government has lifted the moratorium on fracking in the Mid West and Wheatbelt:
May 14, 2020: Dandaragan - The community that fought off the frackers!
Former Dandaragan local Pauline Cook didn’t know whose driveway she had pulled into - until she saw the fancy car and the driver.
Somehow, despite her and all her fellow convoy drivers becoming hopelessly lost, she’d managed to stop in front of the Cottesloe house of the then Western Australian Liberal Premier, Colin Barnett.
Mrs Cook was part of a 60-strong ute-muster that had travelled from Bullsbrook, more than 50km away in February 2017, to protest plans by gas company Latent Petroleum to restart fracking near Dandaragan.
Landholders welcome Nats unanimous support for right to veto gas mining
OCTOBER 30, 2016: Landholders across Western Australia have welcomed a decision by the National Party to support their right of veto over oil and gas companies wanting access to private land.
The WA National Party voted unanimously to support the right of veto for farmers and other landholders at their National Conference in Geraldton at the weekend.
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