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Snap Action - Reject Valhalla!

With Black Mountain's Kimberley fracking project 'Valhalla' currently under consideration by the federal government, now is the time to put pressure on our federal MPs to protect the Kimberley and our climate!

Join us for a crucial snap action as we rally outside Federal MP Josh Wilson's office, now the Assistant Minister for Climate Change and Energy. As the Kimberley faces the threat of fracking from Black Mountain's proposal, we are calling on Josh Wilson to stand with us and help protect the Kimberley from fracking.

This is a pivotal moment. We need Josh Wilson to use his new position to advocate for the Kimberley and our climate by urging his colleagues and Minister Tanya Plibersek to reject the Valhalla fracking proposal. Fracking in the Kimberley would have devastating impacts on the land, water, and climate, and it is vital that our leaders take a stand against it.

Join us on Friday the 23rd at 12:30pm to show solidarity in the call for a Frack Free Kimberley! 

Bring your friends, your passion, and your signs! Let's make sure our message is heard loud and clear: Reject Valhalla - No Fracking in the Kimberley!

Photo credit: Miles Tweedie Photography

August 23, 2024
12:30pm - 1pm
MP Josh Wilson's Office
135 High Street Mall
Fremantle, WA 6160
Google map and directions
Nat · · 0417684010
Who's RSVPing
Liz Bowman
Celia Andrews
Eva Anderberg
Carolyn Orr
Colene Hutchinson
Keren Witcombe
Cathryn Westerman
Tessa Davis
Kristen Morrissey
Emma Coupland
Niki Ruane
Alli Manners

Will you come?

Showing 12 reactions

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  • Liz Bowman
    rsvped 2024-08-21 12:01:58 +1000
  • Celia Andrews
    rsvped 2024-08-20 22:55:16 +1000
  • Eva Anderberg
    rsvped 2024-08-20 19:26:57 +1000
  • Carolyn Orr
    rsvped 2024-08-20 19:25:27 +1000
  • Colene Hutchinson
    rsvped 2024-08-16 13:56:20 +1000
  • Keren Witcombe
    rsvped 2024-08-16 09:27:02 +1000
  • Cathryn Westerman
    rsvped 2024-08-15 18:54:36 +1000
  • Tessa Davis
    rsvped 2024-08-15 18:10:05 +1000
  • Kristen Morrissey
    rsvped 2024-08-15 15:51:32 +1000
  • Emma Coupland
    rsvped 2024-08-15 15:48:58 +1000
  • Niki Ruane
    rsvped 2024-08-15 14:59:03 +1000
  • Alli Manners
    rsvped 2024-08-15 14:34:13 +1000