Mineral Resources (through their wholly owned subsidiary Energy Resources) have recently taken over several petroleum exploration permits in WA's Mid West. Permits where the McGowan Government has lifted the ban on on fracking gasfields, and landholders do not have the power to veto exploration activities incl fracking.
There is no social licence for fracking gasfields in WA, with communities declaring themselves Gasfield Free across the region, and even many Shires that these permits cover, opposing fracking.
Mineral Resources' Annual General Meeting (AGM) is happening in Perth on November 20. This is our chance to keep the pressure up on the Board and shareholders, and stand in solidarity with communities incl Gingin, Dandaragan, Dongara-Denison, Mingenew, Irwin, Carnamah and Coorow.
The AGM is kicking off at 10:00am. So we'll be outside from 9.30am as people file in. All of the most important people in Mineral Resources will be at this AGM. If we want to have a #FrackFreeWA, this is an important event to attend.
We recommend using public transport to there. Mineral Resources Park (was Lathlain Park, it's the Eagles' training ground, sponsored by Min Res..!) is a short walk on Bishopsgate St from Victoria Park Train Station. For bus and train timetables see www.transperth.wa.gov.au
This is a joint event by the Knitting Nannas Against Fracking - Perth Loop, Farmers Against Fracking WA and Lock The Gate Alliance.
November 20, 2019
9:15am - 10:30am
Mineral Resources (Lathlain) Park
42 Bishopsgate St
Lathlain, WA 6100
Australia Google map and directions