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Frack Free WA Maylands Volunteer Gathering

While fracking companies push towards drilling in the Kimberley and the McGowan Government is quietly progressing the implementation of the inquiry recommendations -  we’re gathering and making plans to stop them.

Join us as we make plans to build a movement in Perth to ensure the frackers are politically toxic and hugely unpopular.

Our plans include things like movie nights around Perth, hosting stalls and petition drives, and creative protests and events. 

Snacks will be provided so make sure you RSVP!

September 29, 2022
5:30pm - 6:30pm
Private room, Dome Cafe, Maylands (next to the train station)
219-221 Railway Pde
Maylands, WA 6051
Google map and directions
Jarrad ·
Janette Huston Corina Abraham Jarrad Thomas Isabella Tripp Cathryn Westerman
Who's RSVPing
Janette Huston
Corina Abraham
Jarrad Thomas
Isabella Tripp
Cathryn Westerman

Will you come?

Showing 8 reactions

  • Cathryn Westerman
    attended. 2022-09-30 12:29:21 +1000
  • Jarrad Thomas
    attended. 2022-09-30 12:29:20 +1000
  • Janette Huston
    attended. 2022-09-30 12:29:20 +1000
  • Janette Huston
    rsvped 2022-09-29 11:26:00 +1000
  • Corina Abraham
    rsvped 2022-09-29 11:24:17 +1000
  • Jarrad Thomas
    rsvped 2022-09-29 11:21:24 +1000
  • Isabella Tripp
    rsvped 2022-09-29 11:20:36 +1000
  • Cathryn Westerman
    rsvped 2022-09-24 15:38:34 +1000