Join in for a night of creativity, art, fun with (new) friends and some food.
We will be making signs and props of the amazing animals of the Kimberley at risk from fracking.
Together we will get creative with paint and markers and share some pizza n snacks!
We would love to have you join in - all ages and abilities are welcome. No experience necessary!
This is a great way to meet some of the core Frack Free Kimberley team in Boorloo, say hi, find out updates on the campaign and see what you can offer to help us protect the Kimberley!
These props/signs/banners we make will then be used for multiple campaign actions, including outside the fracking company AGMs coming up in mid-late May (Black Mountain and Buru). Stay tuned for details! (Edit: Buru Energy have just confirmed their AGM is 25 May, see other event listing).
Arrive from 5.30pm for a 6pm start. We'll finish by 8pm.
Bring: Clothes/smock you don't mind getting paint or glue on.
Please RSVP below, as places are limited for this event.