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Greatest Community Survey for the Kimberley - 29 September

On Sunday September 29th, we’ll aim to survey every house in the suburb of South Fremantle, part of Water Minister Simone McGurk's electorate. Sign up now to be part of an historic action that Minister McGurk will find impossible to ignore.

The iconic Kimberley region is under threat of fracking.

Texan oil and gas company Black Mountain plans to drill 20 new gas wells, frack them up to 70 times, using up to 100 million litres of water per well, and a cocktail of poisonous chemicals. This would just be the beginning.

The first oil and gas fields opening in the heart of the Martuwarra Fitzroy River catchment could proliferate to tens of thousands of wells, each requiring 100 million litres of water and tonnes of chemicals forced through pipes at extreme pressures to shatter rocks to release fossil fuels.

Kimberley locals have been holding back this industry for over 10 years. But now they need our help to get fracking banned permanently.

So now it’s our turn. On September 29th, a hundred volunteers from across Perth will go door to door with a survey asking the views of Fremantle voters. Will you join us for this huge effort?

There are over 1500 houses in South Fremantle, so 100 volunteers are needed to make this historic day a success. That’s why we’re asking you to take part. Volunteers from groups like Environs Kimberley, Lock the Gate Alliance, Go Beyond Gas and the Conservation Council of WA are all pitching in. Even musician John Butler will be joining us on the day!

The most important people that the Water Minister could hear from are her own constituents, the people of Fremantle.

Let’s show Simone McGurk that Fremantle wants to protect our land, water and climate from gas fracking. Sign up below!

No experience is necessary - we will be briefing you, providing you with materials and pairing people up with an experienced team leader! We'll finish before 1 with a debrief and lunch!


September 29, 2024
10am - 1pm
The Meeting Place
245 South Ter
South Fremantle, WA 6162
Google map and directions
Simone ·
Bevan Bessen Richelle Deaves Sharon Tassicker Frances Chadd Jana Soderlund Maryellen Yencken Rachel Horncastle Tricia O'Reilly Stephanie Carton Chris Swain Sam Banks-Smith Jason Hunter Michael Tartaglia Joan Sharpe Jack Eastwell Jordan Rowand Chilla Bulbeck Victor Hoisington Dorine Vis Robyn Walsh Cathryn Westerman Nell Thayne Barry Healy Mandy Douglas Cristina Cilla Liam Lilly Maxine Drake Gina Langworthy Dean Wilson Simone van Hattem Giles Thomson Liz Bowman Kirsty Symmons
Who's RSVPing
Bevan Bessen
Richelle Deaves
Sharon Tassicker
Frances Chadd
Jana Soderlund
Maryellen Yencken
Rachel Horncastle
Tricia O'Reilly
Stephanie Carton
Chris Swain
Sam Banks-Smith
Jason Hunter
Michael Tartaglia
Joan Sharpe
Jack Eastwell
Jordan Rowand
Chilla Bulbeck
Victor Hoisington
Dorine Vis
Robyn Walsh
Cathryn Westerman
Nell Thayne
Barry Healy
Mandy Douglas
Cristina Cilla
Liam Lilly
Maxine Drake

Will you come?

Showing 30 reactions

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  • Bevan Bessen
    rsvped 2024-09-29 10:39:12 +1000
  • Richelle Deaves
    rsvped 2024-09-29 10:37:50 +1000
  • Sharon Tassicker
    rsvped 2024-09-29 00:24:06 +1000
  • Frances Chadd
    rsvped 2024-09-28 20:34:38 +1000
  • Jana Soderlund
    rsvped 2024-09-28 20:28:26 +1000
  • Maryellen Yencken
    rsvped 2024-09-28 20:01:08 +1000
  • Gerry Pierratos
    canceled rsvp 2024-09-28 18:19:28 +1000
  • Rachel Horncastle
    rsvped 2024-09-28 14:58:08 +1000
  • Tricia O'Reilly
    rsvped 2024-09-28 13:47:05 +1000
  • Stephanie Carton
    rsvped 2024-09-27 22:17:25 +1000
  • Chris Swain
    followed this page 2024-09-27 16:43:50 +1000
  • Chris Swain
    rsvped 2024-09-27 16:37:42 +1000
  • Sam Banks-Smith
    rsvped 2024-09-27 16:04:23 +1000
  • Jason Hunter
    rsvped 2024-09-27 10:43:07 +1000
  • Michael Tartaglia
    rsvped 2024-09-27 10:36:43 +1000
  • Joan Sharpe
    rsvped 2024-09-27 00:11:07 +1000
  • Jack Eastwell
    rsvped 2024-09-26 20:05:21 +1000
  • Jordan Rowand
    rsvped 2024-09-26 14:42:24 +1000
  • Chilla Bulbeck
    rsvped 2024-09-26 09:03:45 +1000
  • Victor Hoisington
    rsvped 2024-09-25 18:59:08 +1000
  • Dorine Vis
    rsvped 2024-09-25 15:57:11 +1000
  • Robyn Walsh
    rsvped 2024-09-25 15:52:56 +1000
  • Gerry Pierratos
    rsvped 2024-09-22 19:10:07 +1000
  • Cathryn Westerman
    rsvped 2024-09-22 15:25:17 +1000
  • Nell Thayne
    rsvped 2024-09-21 22:29:16 +1000
  • Barry Healy
    rsvped 2024-09-21 17:24:11 +1000
  • Mandy Douglas
    rsvped 2024-09-21 11:42:51 +1000
  • Cristina Cilla
    rsvped 2024-09-20 13:01:12 +1000
  • Liam Lilly
    rsvped 2024-09-20 11:08:01 +1000
  • Maxine Drake
    rsvped 2024-09-20 08:24:24 +1000