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Frack Free Kimberley Petition Delivery

We are six weeks away from the state election, and fracking is becoming a key issue for swing voters — especially in the state electorate of Fremantle.
The WA Labor government currently supports fracking in the Kimberley. But fracking is hugely unpopular with voters. If we continue to show the government how deep and wide that sentiment is, we can push them to ban it this election.
Join us Friday 31 January to hand-deliver the huge petition and tens of thousands of messages that West Australians have written to the state government calling for the protection of the Kimberley from fracking.
RSVP below and share with friends. Facebook event here.
January 31, 2025
12pm - 12:30pm
Simone McGurk's electorate office
8-12 Market St
Shop 2
Fremantle , WA 6160
Google map and directions
Simone van Hattem ·
Emer O'Gara Lorraine Clifford Dion Leeuwenburg Robert Delves Cathryn Westerman Nic Wallis-Smith Anna Pemberton Annolies Truman David D'Anger Bevy Barker Phillip Doring Janet Holmes à Court Keren Witcombe Ian Kruger Rocky Terry Niki Ruane
Who's RSVPing
Emer O'Gara
Lorraine Clifford
Dion Leeuwenburg
Robert Delves
Cathryn Westerman
Nic Wallis-Smith
Anna Pemberton
Annolies Truman
David D'Anger
Bevy Barker
Phillip Doring
Janet Holmes à Court
Keren Witcombe
Ian Kruger
Rocky Terry
Niki Ruane

Will you come?