The McGowan Government has just approved fracking over and around Dongara and Port Denison, Springfield, Bonniefield, Irwin and beyond. Mitsui, Beach Energy, Mineral/Energy Resources and other companies are all ramping up their activities in search of unconventional and conventional gas.
Unconventional gas is found in tight sands or shale deposits, which are proven in this area, and require fracking.
7pm-8.30pm, Wednesday 23 October
Function Room, Irwin Recreation Centre, Port Denison
Exploration is spreading from the originally conventional sites in the area, with multiple corporations also targeting or planning to target the unconventional shale & tight gas deposits, which would require fracking in future.
Find out how we as a community can take steps to stop this like they have in other parts of WA and other states to stop fracking, what landholders can and can't do to protect their land, businesses and farms, and what people in town can do to protect their water, air and existing industries.
- Promised right to veto for landholders has NOT been put into place.
- New regulations to protect town water drinking water sources are NOT in place.
- Water is NOT protected across regional areas in the frack zones.
Lawyer, EDO WA - on veto rights
Health professor Melissa Haswell from Queensland(via live stream) on air and water impacts
Lock the Gate Alliance coordinator on how other areas in Australia and overseas have protected their regions