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Urgent Action: Disallowance Motion

The McGowan Government has recently indicated it will remove the moratorium on fracking for some regions, and so has condemned 5 million hectares of Western Australia’s best farmland and significant tourism and cultural regions to the risk of being fracked.

Shane Love (Member for Moore) is moving to disallow the lifting of the moratorium in the Lower House today, Wednesday 30 October.

But what's needed is for this to also be done in the Upper House, where it can be voted on.


Our Upper House Members of Parliament need to know:

  • We want fracking banned
  • The promised “right to veto” for landholders has NOT been put in place, and doesn't cover fracking during exploration.
  • The promised new regulations to protect town water drinking water sources are NOT in place. 
  • Water is NOT protected across regional areas in the frack zones.
  • The proposed new code of practice for frackers is NOT in place.

Ask the following Members of Parliament to keep the ban on fracking in place!

AGRICULTURE - Gingin, Chittering, Dandaragan, Moora, Eneabba, Dongara, Geraldton, Kalbarri etc

Martin Aldridge - Nationals MP for Agriculture region

21 Binda Place, Bindoon

Ph: 9576 0141 Freecall: 1800 336 905

[email protected]

Colin de Grussa - Nationals MP for Agriculture region

Shop 3, 5 Chapman Road, Geraldton

Ph:  9921 4818

[email protected]

Jim Chown - Liberals MP for Agriculture region

Ph: 9481 0082

[email protected]

Rick Mazza - Shooters and Fishers MP for Agriculture region

Ph: 9481 6070 Freecall: 1800 781 900

[email protected]


MINING AND PASTORAL: Kimberley, Pilbara, Goldfields

Jacqui Boydell Nationals MLC for Mining and Pastoral

Suite 49, 5 Sharpe Avenue, Karratha

Ph: (08) 9144 4187

[email protected]

Ken Baston Liberal MLC for Mining and Pastoral region

Unit 8, 20 Hamersley Street, Broome

(08) 9193 7044 or 1800 812 923

[email protected]

Robin Chapple Greens MLC for Mining and Pastoral

41 Havelock Street, West Perth

(08) 9486 8255

[email protected]

Robin Scott PHON MLC for Mining and Pastoral

99 Burt Street, Boulder 

(08) 9093 1455

[email protected]

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