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Community Surveying in White Gum Valley - 10 Mar

Conversations are the one thing that will build a big base of active support for a frack free Kimberley. We know there is latent support in the community but we need to make that visible.

Our state Members of Parliament (MPs) and Ministers are hearing from the oil and gas industry regularly. We need to have our voices (and many more) get through to our decision makers.

A very effective way to do that is by surveying door-to-door, as we know from Lock the Gate’s successful work nationally with the Gasfield Free process in regional areas.

In Fremantle and other key areas we are surveying local community members on their views on what they think their local MP should do about fracking the Kimberley. Every few weeks we are handing over the results straight to the MP's office, with an aim of 1000 surveys across different suburbs of the Fremantle electorate by June.

So on Sunday 10 March at 9am we are meeting at Sullivan Hall in White Gum Valley to survey the local constituents about our local Member of Parliament (and Minister for Water!), Simone McGurk and her position on banning fracking in the Kimberley.

No experience is necessary - if you're new, we can/will pair you up with an experienced door knocker.

We'll start with a quick briefing and go through the materials, survey for around an hour, then debrief after with some cool refreshments and snacks!

Let's reach as many people as we can!  Please RSVP below for planning purposes!

March 10, 2024
9am - 11am
Meet at Sullivan Hall
2 Nannine Ave
White Gum Valley, WA 6162
Google map and directions
Simone ·
Kath Craig Kevin Ball Cathryn Westerman Nic Wallis-Smith Keren Witcombe Ann Dolan Simone van Hattem
Who's RSVPing
Kath Craig
Kevin Ball
Cathryn Westerman
Nic Wallis-Smith
Keren Witcombe
Ann Dolan
Simone van Hattem
Sorry, this event is sold out.

Showing 7 reactions

  • Kath Craig
    rsvped 2024-03-08 17:58:19 +1100
  • Kevin Ball
    rsvped 2024-03-08 16:52:17 +1100
  • Cathryn Westerman
    rsvped 2024-03-08 16:51:42 +1100
  • Nic Wallis-Smith
    rsvped 2024-03-08 16:49:46 +1100
  • Keren Witcombe
    rsvped 2024-03-08 16:49:14 +1100
  • Ann Dolan
    rsvped 2024-03-08 16:46:34 +1100
  • Simone van Hattem
    rsvped 2024-03-08 16:46:13 +1100