Act now to keep Labor honest on fracking

Act now to keep Labor honest on fracking

The WA Labor Government was elected on a promise. They said they’d halt unconventional gas fracking across WA until after the conclusion of a public inquiry. They said they’d create immediate, permanent bans on fracking in the South West, Peel and Perth regions.

But in 6 weeks we’ve heard nothing about these commitments.

Let Premier Mark McGowan and key ministers know we won’t stand for broken promises. 


The WA Labor Government was elected on a promise. They said they’d halt unconventional gas fracking across WA until after the conclusion of a public inquiry. They said they’d create immediate, permanent bans on fracking in the South West, Peel and Perth regions.

But in 6 weeks we’ve heard nothing about these commitments.

Let Premier Mark McGowan and key ministers know we won’t stand for broken promises. 


Tell Labor - keep your promises on fracking

Let Premier Mark McGowan and key ministers know we won’t stand for broken promises. 


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